Speeches Shim
After reaching HIV epidemic control in Eswatini, USAID is pleased and celebrates the work that has been done in Eswatini through its PEPFAR partners to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. One USAID partner, The Luke Commission (TLC), is a faith-based organization providing free, comprehensive, compassionate healthcare to underserved populations. In partnership with the Eswatini Ministry of Health, TLC serves as part of a national COVID-19 response and has screened over 50,000 patients for COVID-19 since March 2020.
TLC’s operations hub is the fixed-site Miracle Campus in central Eswatini, which has grown from one building in 2013 to 16 buildings today. The Miracle Campus provides outpatient care, inpatient care, critical/ICU care, specialized surgical care, and emergency care.

Opened in March 2020, TLC’s Specialty Care and Surgical Centre serves patients with a full pharmacy, medical laboratory, three operating rooms, an emergency/casualty unit, a vision screening station, and X-ray and ultrasound rooms.
Using a customized, locally-hosted electronic medical record (EMR) system, the TLC medical team tracks care for every patient. New COVID-specific modules in the EMR provide support for COVID-19 screening and contact tracing.
The TLC team supports COVID-19 patients including critical/ICU care.
The TLC inpatient facility includes a men’s ward, a women’s ward, and private (isolation) rooms. Originally designed to serve TB patients, these rooms now also serve COVID-19 patients.

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