• Looking for ways you can help #StopTheSpread of #COVID19? Washing your hands correctly and often is your best defence. Remember to use soap and water!

  • Coughing into your elbow can stop the spread of germs from reaching other surfaces and people! Practice this tip to keep you and your loved ones safe.

  • You are your best defence against #COVID19! Be sure not to touch your face to ensure you aren't transmitting germs to your eyes, nose, or mouth.

  • Be sure to keep a safe distance from others! We recommend at least 6 feet (2 meters) apart in order to practice social distancing correctly.

  • It's important to stay at home and avoid public, social gatherings to #StopTheSpread of #COVID19! Follow this tip to protect those most at risk to #Coronavirus.

Flag of Pakistan


Gjuha: English

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

The U.S. and Pakistan have worked together for more than 70 years on issues that are important to both nations, including energy, economic growth, peace and inclusion, education, and health. USAID’s current country development cooperation strategy for Pakistan focuses on fostering a more stable, peaceful and prosperous country. To achieve this, USAID is partnering with the Government of Pakistan to expand the writ of government along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region; promote more peaceful communities in key areas; increase private-sector led, inclusive economic growth; and strengthen global health security capacities. This work directly supports Pakistan’s development aspirations, as outlined in Pakistan Vision 2025, and its journey towards sustainable, self-reliant growth and development.


Seventy Years, One Partnership 

Assistance Provided to Pakistan

Evaluations for Pakistan

Partnership Opportunities in Pakistan

Our Success Stories

The United States-Pakistan Partnership for Agricultural Market Development

Creating Opportunities and Inspiration

A Learning Haven For The Homeless

Nightingales of Pamir 

Making of A Mother's Dream

Investing in Pakistan’s Future

Elevated by Education

Your Voice: Looking Back (and Down) Provides Perspective on Pakistan Aid

Pakistan Reconstructed


Contact Information

Mission Contact

Mission Director, USAID/ Pakistan
The Embassy of the United States, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna-5
Islamabad, Pakistan
(+92) 051-201-4000
(+92) 51-2338071

USAID Contact

Diane Ray
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
, DC