Speeches Shim
K-SMNP contributes to the Government of Afghanistan's Urban National Priority Program (U-NPP) and the government's reform agenda for urban areas.
ESA provides technical and operational support for Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs), including the Independent Election Commission (IEC) and Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) to increase the likelihood of credible and transparent elections in Afghanistan.
COMAC provides comprehensive victims’ assistance to Afghan families suffering from military operations by delivering direct and indirect assistance, building the capacity of the Government of Afghanistan, and conducting advocacy and outreach.
ADALAT’s (“justice” in Dari and Pashto) objective is to improve citizen access to justice. ADALAT increases efficiency and integrity in the formal justice system through training and the development of more robust court systems and procedures.
AMANAT, implemented by MSI, strengthens government institutions and CSOs to identify vulnerabilities to corruption in the delivery of public services, and develop activities to address these vulnerabilities. AMANAT supports select Afghan government institutions with technical assistance to plan for and implement recommended procedural reforms. AMANAT strengthens local CSO capacity to test and monitor the effectiveness of those reforms and to advocate for their implementation where necessary.
USAID's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) and Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP) are responding to a complex emergency stemming from an influx of people fleeing an economic and political crisis in Venezuela to neighboring countries, including Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Approximately 3.4 million Venezuelans have fled their country, with nearly 1.2 million people fleeing to Colombia.
USAID/West Africa’s Peace and Governance programs aims to strengthen systems of non-violent conflict management in West Africa at local, national and regional levels by focusing on countering violent extremism (CVE) and promoting conflict early warning and response.
The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) works to prevent and combat newly emerging and reemerging infectious diseases that have pandemic potential among humans. It is a growing global partnership focused on building countries’ capacities to contribute to a world safe from infectious disease threats, including from zoonotic diseases. GHSA activities in Liberia are guided by an interagency U.S. Government team, including the Department of State, USAID, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense, and the National Institute of Health. In Liberia, GHSA supports a multi-sector coordination mechanism for disease surveillance, animal testing immunization, and capacity development for animal health professionals for risk-based epidemiology and response.
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