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Datos Básicos del Proyecto

Valor Aproximado: $ 1, 420,687
Inicio:   Octubre 2010
Término:   Septiembre 2014
Socio Implementador:   ACDI/VOCA



Project Snapshot

Approximate Program Value:  $ 1,420,687
Start Date:   October 2010
End Date:   September 2014
Implementing Partner:   ACDI/VOCA


The Challenge

The goal of the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security (NAP) is to empower women as equal partners in preventing conflict and building peace.

Su-SWASTHA operates in the Mid-Western Region where socio-economic development lags far behind.  In 2009, there was an extensive cholera epidemic in the Mid- and Far Western Regions which claimed the lives of more than 300 people and drew attention to the urgent need for improvements of WASH conditions.  Despite the fact that young children are more susceptible to diarrheal disease caused by unclean water as well as poor sanitation and hygiene practices, school sanitation continues to be an underfunded sector in Nepal. This project aims to improve water, sanitation and hygiene in 54 selected schools via a school-led total sanitation approach that not only improves sanitation in these facilities but also promotes small-scale household water treatment systems in the homes where the students and teachers live.

USAID’s Safe-WASH II project improves sanitation, promotes hygiene behavior, and increases access to safe drinking water in rural communities.


USAID/Nepal Saath-Saath Project reduces the transmission and impact of HIV and AIDS and improves reproductive health among selected most-at-risk populations in a manner that supports the Government of Nepal.

The Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) has achieved award-winning success in improving maternal and infant health across the country. The Ministry continues to strive further in the areas of maternal, newborn and child health and just last year achieved Millennium Development Goals 4 (Reduce Child Mortality) and 5 (Improve Maternal Health). To build on these successes, USAID provides direct funding to the Government of Nepal to strengthen MOHP staff capacity and management systems with the end goal of improving quality and access to services, focused on marginalized and vulnerable communities. Through this direct funding approach, USAID leverages host country systems and personnel to reach people who have the greatest need for quality maternal and child health services.

USAID/Nepal’s Health for Life project will strengthen the Government of Nepal’s capacity to plan, manage and deliver high-quality family planning and maternal, newborn and child health services at the district and local levels.

Project Snapshot

Total Funding: $5.3 million*

Project Duration: September 2017-September 2022

Implementing Partners:

   Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and core local partners: Caritas BiH, Institute for Youth Development (KULT), Inter-Religious Council, Forum of Tuzla Citizens, Helsinki Citizens Assembly in Banja Luka, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska, and the Nansen Dialogue Center in Mostar

 *Includes 6 percent matching funds from CRS 
