Speeches Shim
STRIDE supports collaborative research between industry and academe, as well as between Philippine and U.S. universities. It provides capacity-building training for Philippine researchers to be more effective and successful collaborators.
The Scaling Innovations in Mobile Money (SIMM) Project is a two-year USAID/Philippines program under the Partnership for Growth (PFG), a White House initiative. The PFG represents a partnership between the Philippines and the United States to promote broad-based and inclusive growth.
The Judicial Strengthening to Improve Court Effectiveness (JUSTICE) Project is a five-year, Php820 million ($20 million) project started in October 2012 focusing on strengthening the rule of law and streamlining the local judicial process. JUSTICE will support reforming court procedures in order to improve judicial efficiency, decongest court dockets and reduce court delay.
The Investment Enabling Environment (INVEST) Project is a two-year, Php132.4 million ($3.23 million) project began in October 2011. It seeks to address key constraints underlying low levels of private investment in the Philippines in order to improve the local business climate.
The Integrity for Investments Initiative (i3) is a five year, Php602 million ($14.7 million) project that will support anticorruption offices, including the Office of the Ombudsman, Commission on Audit, Civil Service Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, and the newly created Governance Commission for Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (GCG).
The Higher Education and Productivity (HEP) Project is a three-year, Php61.5 million ($1.5 million) activity that improves the alignment of industry needs with education outcomes and strengthens industry-academe linkages. The project aims to address the skills gap and mismatch, and supply the necessary human resources to support accelerated, broad-based and inclusive growth.
The Facilitating Public Investment (FPI) Project is a Php608.2 million ($14.8 million) five-year project which addresses the PFG intervention theme of regulatory quality. The project will work with the Philippine Government addressing the tax revenue inefficiencies, tax/duty evasion issues and public spending limitations to inform the Philippines’ fiscal management of public goods and services necessary to spur private investment.
The Development Credit Authority (DCA) Loan Portfolio Guarantee (LPG) is a 10-year, Php4.18 billion ($95 million) credit guarantee program that encourages lending to businesses – predominantly small/medium enterprises (SMEs). The guarantee serves to stimulate targeted commercial investment and to increase the number of start-up SMEs in second-tier cities outside of metro Manila and surrounding regions in the Philippines.
The Advancing Philippine Competitiveness (COMPETE) Project is a four-year, Php774.5 million ($18.9 million) project began in October 2012. COMPETE assists the Philippines to improve its competitiveness to attain higher levels of trade and investment. To this end, the Project will provide technical assistance to enhance the regime for infrastructure provision, improve productivity in key industries, and increase access to credit.
USAID/Philippines’ University Partnership Linking Out-of-School Youth to Agri-Entrepreneurship and Development to promote Job Opportunities (UPLOAD JOBS) Project for Mindanao is a three-year initiative that addresses the key constraints to peace and stability in Midsayap, Mindanao. The project aims to provide quality life skills combined with targeted workforce skills that create pathways for reintegration of out-of-school youth (OSY) as productive members of their communities.
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