Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Sayid* has always been dependent on the food from his garden to feed his family in northeast Syria, including his diabetic mother. Each spring, locals across the countryside would plant vegetables in their gardens to ensure they had enough food to feed their families for the rest of the year.

Every week, Karimjon Roziqov, an imam in a mosque in Tajikistan’s mountainous Rasht district, looks forward to Friday. Residents in his community call him domullo, or “teacher,” and on Fridays, after the prayer service at his mosque, he sets aside 15 minutes to talk to them about tuberculosis (TB). In predominantly Muslim Tajikistan, mosques are an effective way to reach communities, especially those in remote areas where access to print and broadcast media is limited, with important public health messages.

Ecofarm has been extremely profitable in Vietnam’s Dong Thap province, thanks to the company’s sound investments and strong business enabling environment. It sells tens of thousands of dollars of farm produce from 85 hectares of land harvested on a three-month planting cycle using high-tech practices.

The livestock export industry is an essential component of the Somali agricultural sector, accounting for 80 percent of Somalia’s exports. In 2015 alone, traders earned $384 million in livestock exports, and the industry witnessed an annual growth of 6 percent.

Quiet and serious, the child was loved by all. He was very popular among foster families who hosted orphans during holidays and religious celebrations. At the age of 17 and almost a legal adult, El Fihri had to start preparing for a life on his own, which meant ending his schooling and leaving the orphanage. Without a plan, he felt helpless and desperate.

Thirty years ago, families in Mozambique’s village of Nhantumbi could rely on regular rainfall to cultivate their crops and feed their families. Since then, unpredictable rains, deforestation and unsustainable agricultural practices have caused a steep decline in productivity in Nhantumbi and neighboring villages.

In Mali’s rural community of Tienfala, the emergency evacuation and referral system was not functioning, due in part to poor financial management. In most cases, no funding was available for emergency transport to health facilities for women developing problems during pregnancy or childbirth.

Tucked away at the back of the Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf in Kingston, Jamaica, sits the quaint E3 Café, home of Deaf Can! Coffee. With a megawatt smile and warm welcome, 21-year-old Fabian Jackson eagerly greets his customers and directs them to a board with instructions on how to order coffee.

This year the Kankor Examination, Afghanistan’s high-stakes university entry exam, had an unprecedented 169,529 students complete the test. Reza Rafat, a participant in USAID’s Kankor preparation program, had the highest score in the country.
