FY2020 Congressional Budget Justification - Appendix 3

Speeches Shim


The Department of State and USAID continue responding to oversight recommendations from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Office of Inspector General (OIG). Pursuant to Public Law 115-414, Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act, this package is supplemental to the Department and USAID’s FY 2020 Congressional Budget Justifications (CBJ), and provides details surrounding the status of all identified open recommendations, to include anticipated timelines for implementation, or otherwise corrective action(s). The appendix is presented in four categories, each sorted by the public release date of the report, from most recent to oldest:

  1. GAO open recommendations: U.S Department of State;
  2. OIG open recommendations: U.S. Department of State;
  3. GAO open recommendations: USAID;
  4. OIG open recommendations: USAID.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - 11:00am