Logical Framework Data Sources

Speeches Shim


USAID TIPS: Rapid Appraisal Techniques

This TIPS introduces a range of data-collecting techniques. Those which can be carried out in the same manner on multiple occasions may be good choices as means of verifying the status of a project on its Objectively Verifiable Indicators.



USAID TIPS: Direct Observation

USAID TIPS: Key Informant Interviews

USAID TIPS: Focus Groups

Conducting Mini-Surveys in Developing Countries (USAID)

Monitoring and Evaluation in Complex, High Threat Environments

Monitoring and Evaluation in Post-Conflict Environments

USAID Guide to Gender Integration and Analysis

At the design stage, the project monitoring and evaluation information that needs to be identified includes data sources and the methodologies of data collection, including the collection of baseline data at the beginning of project implementation. In the Logical framework these are known as the Data Sources.

The Data Sources column in a Logical Framework describes the data sources, methods of data collection and analysis to be used, frequency of data collection and data disaggregation – all in a very abbreviated manner. Additional details, it is understood, will be provided in the Project MEL Plan, which is an Annex to a Project Appraisal Document (PAD).

When preparing the Data Sources column in a Logical Framework, users may find it useful to review kit pages on:

The table below is a continuation of the example in this section of the kit that showed how one moves results from an Objective Tree into the Narrative Summary column of a Logical Framework, and then adds Indicators either drawing them from the CDCS or by selecting appropriate other standard and custom indicators. In this table both the Indicators and the Data Sources for those indicators are displayed. For some indicators, Missions depend on the E3 Bureau for data; for others national statistical series; and government agency and project data are key sources.

Indicators Data Sources
  • Growth in (real) gross domestic product (GDP) per capita
  • Tracked by E3 for the Mission

End of Project Status

  • Foreign trade (X+M) as a percentage of GDP
  • Export sales of assisted firms increase by 15% over baseline, on average
  • Domestic and foreign direct investment in non-traditional export production increased by 5%
  • Tracked by E3 for the Mission
  • USAID quarterly project records for assisted firms, disaggregated by sex of firm owner
  • National statistics series, annual, on domestic investment rate; FDI, and investments in non-traditional exports
  • Time to export/import (days) reduced from average 9 for road borders to average of 5 within 3 years
  • Number of documents required to export/import goods across borders decreased for accredited operators within one year and other shippers within two years
  • Cost of export/import reduced by 10% or more for operators that make electronic submissions
  • Baseline and annual time calculations for all land/road border crossings for regular and accredited operators
  • Baseline and annual number of documents calculations for all land/road border crossings for regular and accredited operators
  • Baseline and annual customs clearance processing costs for regular and accredited operators

1. Six (6) land crossings fully automated withing one year; remaining 8 (8) automated within two years

2. Number of trained customs officers at land crossings rises from 1-2 in all posts within 1 year

3.1 Expedited clearance available within 6 months

3.2 At least 10% of shippers eligible for expedited shipping are using this service within two years of initiation

1. Customs agency records

2. Customs agency records

3. Customs agency records, disaggregated by sex of shipper

1. Computers and other equipment installed on schedule and within budget

2.1 6 new agents assigned in year 1 and 8 in year 2

2.2 Training provided for existing land border customs staff within 1 year

3.1 85% of shippers at each land/road border crossing have seen a flyer or heard a radio ad about the accredited operators program

3.2 Expedited shippers program initiated within 2 months of border post automation at all sites

1. Customs agency records

2. Customs agency records

3.1 USAID project mini-survey

3.2 U

 << LF Indicators Up LF Trade Facilitation Example >>



A toolkit developed and implemented by:
Office of Trade and Regulatory Reform
Bureau of Economic Growth, Education, and Environment
US Agency for International Development (USAID)

For more information, please contact Paul Fekete.