Monitoring Pathway 5: Data Quality Assessments

Speeches Shim

When performance data on a project in rural Kenya is reported to a U.S. Senator from Idaho or to a member of Kenya’s Parliament in Nairobi, that information must be trustworthy. This is the purpose and value of Data Quality Assessments (DQAs).

This pathway will strengthen your understanding of USAID’s DQA requirements and help you build the skills you need to participate in, or lead a DQA exercise for your Mission or Office. Stops on this pathway will provide you with tools for scheduling DQAs and templates for writing up their results on an indicator-by-indictor basis.

Pathway Steps of Interest Monitoring Pathway #5:
Data Quality Assessments
Resources on this Pathway
Program Perspective Project Perspective
1 1 Data Quality and Limitations USAID TIPS on Data Quality Standards; table of types of data quality threats 
  2 Data Quality Assessment Plan Illustrative table for planning DQAs over the life of a project
  3 Conducting a Data Quality Assessment  
  4 Data Quality Assessment Worksheet Template: USAID's Data Quality Assessment Checklist
 << Monitoring Pathway 4: Collecting, Reporting and Sharing Performance Data Up Evaluation Pathways >>



A toolkit developed and implemented by:
Office of Trade and Regulatory Reform
Bureau of Economic Growth, Education, and Environment
US Agency for International Development (USAID)

For more information, please contact Paul Fekete.