The Logical Framework: Modifications Based on Experience

Speeches Shim

This document displays several modifications to the logical framework matrix format which have grown out of the past two years of operational experience. These modifications do not alter the basic logical framework concepts; they are intended only as convenient means to clarify or elaborate one or another aspect of project design.

Use of any or all of the modifications is not required. The modifications may be used informally as worksheets, singly or in combinations as appropriate. If the Mission finds that a modified logical framework is more effective than the standard matrix format for communicating with AlD/W, this is acceptable.

USAIDs are encouraged to give copies of this document to any cooperating group, (i.e., contractors, PASAs, host country officials, other donors) now using the logical framework. The modifications have been given to participants in the AID Program Evaluation Seminar (PDM II) starting with the March 1973 session. This document is an informal adjunct to M.O. 1026.1, Supplement I, the Program Evaluation Guidelines, Second Edition.

Readers are invited to contribute to the continuing development of the logical framework methodology. Comments on these eight modifications and the related explanatory material are welcome. Suggestions for other modifications will be appreciated. These comments should be sent to your Regional Evaluation. If enough useful suggestions are received, a second, expanded edition of this compendium will be prepared. 2

Monday, November 26, 2018 - 4:15pm