FRAMEweb PIA Summary

Speeches Shim


System Name: FRAMEweb
Managing Office: E3/W
Date PIA Completed: April 18, 2012


FRAMEweb is a community of practice (CoP) operated by the Capitalizing Knowledge
Connecting Communities project, funded by USAID. The platform is designed to provide
a web-based communication forum to discuss, collaborate, and exchange ideas and
practices on a wide range of topics relating to natural resource management, which are
crucial to USAID's mission.

One objectives of FRAMEweb is to link natural resource management practitioners from
around the world in discussions on topics such as extractive industries, communitybased

natural resource management, climate change, water resources, etc. FRAMEweb also
provides a platform for partner sites to host their own FRAMEweb related pages
such as the African Biodiversity Collaborative Group (funded by USAID) and the
US Forest Service International Program.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 - 2:00pm