Speeches Shim
This CDCS focuses on strengthening democratic governance and increasing economic opportunities for vulnerable populations in Paraguay’s northern zone.
Paraguay - Country Development Cooperation Strategy (pdf - 1 MB)
USAID/Paraguay’s strategy will align with two of the four pillars of President Obama’s framework for U.S. policy toward Latin America (strengthening effective institutions of democratic governance and promoting economic and social opportunity). Additionally, the CDCS aligns with three of the four goals of the WHA/LAC Joint Regional Strategy: 1) increased citizen security and effective democratic institutions and governance; 2) social equity for the peoples of the Americas; and 3) expanded economic opportunity. USAID’s vision also directly supports the Government of Paraguay’s (GOP) strategic priorities: reducing extreme poverty and eradicating corruption.
This CDCS focuses on strengthening democratic governance and increasing economic opportunities for vulnerable populations in Paraguay’s northern zone. It demonstrates a high degree of focus to maximize resources and budget. Since 2010, the mission has consolidated from seven program areas to two. This streamlining allows the mission to better concentrate its budget and resources in promoting good governance and transparency in select government ministries, and supporting inclusive economic growth. USAID will seek to advance the objectives of USAID Forward by implementing its programs through local partner organizations. Sufficient local capacity currently exists in Paraguay and continued development of local partners will be an important focus of sustainability.
USAID/Paraguay’s Development Objectives, DO#1 Internal management and governance systems strengthened in select public institutions, and DO#2 Increased inclusive and sustainable economic development for small-scale producers and vulnerable populations in the northern zone will support the CDCS goal of creating a more prosperous, well governed democracy in Paraguay. The goal includes a focus on inclusion of vulnerable Paraguayans.
Extended through: September 30, 2020
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