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You are entering the 2017-2020 Archive for the
United States Agency for International Development web site.
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In fiscal year (FY) 2011, the United States Government (USG) provided $2.1 billion in assistance, or 1.9 million metric tons (MT), to a total of more than 53 million beneficiaries in 82 countries.
Countries in Africa and the Western Hemisphere received more than three-quarters of the aid provided through the USG food aid programs. African countries received 68 percent of the tonage under the food aid programs. Countries in the Western Hemisphere received about 8 percent of the aid, and South and Central Asian countries received 18 percent of the aid.
Wheat and wheat products (48 percent) represented the main commodities that were programmed in FY 2011. Grains, blended products, and fortified products were about one-quarter of the products programmed in FY 2011. Commodities were purchased from producers in more than 25 states in the United States.
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