Food Insecurity Response for Urban Populations (FIRUP) - West

Speeches Shim

DATES: March 2009 - September 2010
FIRUP promotes stability through temporary employment and income generation in targeted populations to reduce the number of food-insecure and/or unemployed Afghans joining the insurgency.  Project activities are implemented in close coordination with coalition forces engaged in clearing operations, or in advance of clearing operations to pave the way for a smooth transition.  Key provinces are located in the South and East, as well as those in the North and West considered ready for the transition from hold to build.  The focus in the South and East (clear to hold phase) is on quick impact programs that provide short-term livelihood opportunities in support of broader stabilization efforts.  Activities include: street cleaning; rehabilitation of wells, drainage canals, schools, houses, and irrigation systems; and orchard plowing.  During the hold to build period, projects consist of mid-term activities that support the transition from stability to longer-term development.  Activities include: the repair of irrigation systems to increase agricultural production, rural farm to market and feeder road construction to improve market access,  flood prevention, drainage system rehabilitation, and small scale water supply system rehabilitation. 
Regional focus: nationwide