Tuberculosis Control Assistance Program (TB CAP)

Speeches Shim

DATES: October 2008 - June 2011
TB CAP is USAID’s flagship mechanism for supporting programs to contribute to the global targets for Tuberculosis (TB) control.  In Afghanistan, this program provides technical assistance to the National Tuberculosis Control Program of the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) as well as to other stakeholders to support the implementation of TB control activities in Afghanistan in line with the Afghanistan National TB Strategy and introducing International Standards of Tuberculosis Care.  USAID supports the expansion of Directly Observed Treatment Short-course coverage, collaboration with private providers, improvement of laboratory services, and engagement of communities in TB control.  USAID encourages early case detection and promotes adherence to treatment through community health workers, mobile health teams, and non-health sector actors, such as school teachers.  In addition, through TB CAP, USAID is supporting the establishment of a drug management information system at the MoPH to reduce stock-outs at the health facilities.