Health Service Support Project (HSSP)

Speeches Shim

DATES: July 2006 - November 2011
Through Leadership, Management and Governance Project (LMG), USAID, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), provides technical assistance and capacity-building support to MoPH-contracted non-governmental organizations to improve the planning, management, implementation, and quality of Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and the Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) delivery in 21 provinces. Specifically, USAID works with the MoPH to improve the quality of services provided to women of reproductive age and children less than age five; increase the number and performance of BPHS and EPHS service providers; improve the capacity and willingness of communities to make informed decisions about their health; and integrate gender awareness and gender-sensitive practices into BPHS and EPHS service delivery. Through Partnership Contracts for Health (PCH), USAID supports community-based midwifery education programs in Bamyan, Badakhshan, Ghor, Hirat, Jawzjan, Khost, Laghman, Logar, Nuristan, Paktya, Takhar, and Wardak provinces.  USAID also provides organizational capacity-building technical support to the Afghan Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Afghan Midwives Association, and the National Midwifery and Nursing Educational Accreditation Board. Additionally, USAID’s Health Services Support Project (HSSP) collaborated with the Afghan Center for Training and Development to conduct gender research and to promote the integration of gender awareness into health provisions.