Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Survival-III (BASICS-III)

Speeches Shim

DATES: September 2008 - September 2011
BASICS-III is a global project that supports sustainable reductions in mortality for children less than age five.  In Afghanistan, USAID aims to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of child health, nutrition, and related pediatric services through the development and integrated implementation of high- impact interventions to prevent and reduce illness, mortality, and malnutrition among Afghan children less than age five.  Through BASICS, USAID coordinates closely with the Health Service Support Project and Tech-Serve project to assist central, provincial, and community levels of the health system to achieve and maintain reductions in infant and child mortality.  In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) USAID assisted in the development of a Child and Adolescent Health Policy, a child-health strategy, and a strategic framework for implementing the policy.  Additionally, USAID works closely with MoPH-managed non-governmental organizations in 13 USAID-supported provinces to improve their capacity to deliver an integrated package of child health services within the Basic Package of Health Services and the Essential Package of Hospital Services.  These services include growth monitoring and promotion, maternal and newborn care, and immunization.