USAID Administrator Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Colombia

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USAID Administrator Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Colombia

Video Transcript 
In Bogota, I marked another milestone in the close partnership between the Republic of Colombia and the United States. Along with President Duque, I reaffirmed the two countries' continued support and collaboration. We are deeply appreciative of the government's efforts to bring peace and prosperity to all Colombians, as well as their unyielding commitment to supporting Venezuelans in their time of need. I was proud to announce 160 million U.S. dollars in development assistance to Colombia from USAID alongside President Duque. These resources will go towards advancing peace implementation, supporting livelihoods in rural communities, improving citizens' security, and strengthening the protection of human rights. In the coming months, the Government of Colombia plans to issue over 3,000 land titles. Establishing formal rights to land ownership will mitigate a key driver of conflict of the countryside and improve the quality of life for rural communities and populations. The United States and Colombia are more than mere partners, we're close neighbors, and true friends.