Let Girls Learn

Speeches Shim

Around the world 62 million girls are not in school. Millions more are fighting to stay there. Let Girls Learn is a new effort by the United States Government, and led by USAID, to provide the public with meaningful ways to help all girls to get a quality education. To learn more about our program and efforts, visit www.usaid.gov/letgirlslearn.

Special thanks to Alicia Keys, Amy Brenneman, Anne Hathaway, Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, DeAndre Jordan, Denise Richards, Diego Boneta, James Van Der Beek, Jennifer Garner, Joe Manganiello, Josh Duhamel, Julie Bowen, Julie Delpy, Kelly Osbourne, Lance Bass, Moby, Nick Cannon, Nikki Reed, Paul Wesley, Rita Wilson, Shonda Rhimes, Soledad O'Brien, Susan Sarandon, and Tyler Perry for their participation in the video.

This video was produced by the Burkle Global Impact Initiative at UCLA and Prime Content in partnership with The Jim Henson Company. Original score by Ryan Perez-Daple (rpdmusic.com).