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February 12, 2018

Today’s request for USAID is oriented towards our goal of supporting partners in their journey to become more self-reliant, to build their capacity for leading their own development and growth. By reducing the reach of conflict, preventing the spread of pandemic disease, and counteracting the drivers of violence, instability, transnational crime and other security threats, the priorities laid out in this request will help us in that mission. It’s designed to promote American prosperity through investments that expand markets for American goods, create a level playing field for American businesses, support more stable, resilient, and democratic societies, and address crises. The request reaffirms that we will always stand with people when disaster strikes or crisis emerges, because that’s who we are as Americans. We will remain the world leader in humanitarian assistance, but will also call on others to do their part and work relentlessly to assure that assistance is delivered as effectively and as efficiently as possible.

February 9, 2018

The United States welcomes reports that four U.S.-funded World Food Programme mobile cranes have now begun offloading supplies at Yemen's Hudaydah port. The additional capacity of these cranes will cut in half the average time it takes to unload ships, allowing food, medicine, and other necessities to reach people in need more quickly.

February 9, 2018

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green met on Wednesday with President Jimmy Morales of Guatemala. Administrator Green congratulated President Morales on Guatemala's efforts to combat crime and violence. The President thanked the United States for its support to improve citizen security in Guatemala, which has contributed to an overall reduction in the national homicide rate.

February 2, 2018

This week marks the 15th anniversary of the announcement by President George W. Bush of the creation of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) during the 2003 State of the Union address.

February 2, 2018

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green met on Thursday with The Honorable Kai Mykkänen, MP, Finland's Minister for Foreign Trade and Development. They discussed opportunities for increasing private-sector engagement and results-oriented, enterprise-driven development to support countries on their journey towards self-reliance.

January 31, 2018

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Assistant to the Administrator for the Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs, Greg Huger, recently traveled to Afghanistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan in support of the administration's South Asia Strategy.

January 31, 2018

First, I am impressed every day by the skill, professionalism, but, most of all, dedication of our team all around the world. From our Foreign Service Nationals, to our staff in the field, to those of you here at headquarters: you -- all of you -- are the principle reason why USAID is a vital tool in American global leadership. Not the buildings, the budgets, not even our most innovative programs. Really and truly, it's your skills and your passion, what you bring to your job each and every day, that's really what does the most to lift lives in troubled lands all around the world.

January 29, 2018
Media Advisory

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment Michelle Bekkering will travel to Dakar, Senegal from January 30 to February 2, 2018.

January 26, 2018

As the world’s largest humanitarian donor, the United States has provided nearly $7.7 billion in humanitarian assistance for the Syrian people, since the start of the crisis in 2011. This aid reflects the continued generosity of the American people and demonstrates the United States’ steadfast commitment to addressing the unprecedented magnitude of suffering in Syria and the region. In addition to providing humanitarian assistance, including emergency food, water, shelter, and health services, the United States is also providing stabilization assistance.

January 25, 2018
Steigenberger Grandhotel Belvedere Davos, Switzerland

So, as many of us know, there have been some tremendous progress in maternal and child health over the past two decades thanks in part to the Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals.  However a huge challenge remains.  For example, according to a recent report, 30 million newborns are expected to die between now and 2030.  That's a shocking number, 30 million newborn.  Tackling this challenge and the other SDGs will require new tools, partnerships, and innovation to fill the estimated $2.5 annual -- $2.5 trillion annual investment gap to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

January 24, 2018

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green and Mastercard Executive Vice President of Public-Private Partnerships Tara Nathan co-chaired the launch of the Smart Communities Coalition (SCC) today at the World Economic Forum in Davos. SCC will address technology challenges that refugees and host communities face, and increase their Internet connectivity, digital-payment capabilities, and energy access within refugee settlements. SCC will improve camp-management and service delivery, and help empower refugees to provide for themselves and their families.

January 23, 2018
Media Advisory

United States Agency for International Development Administrator Mark Green will travel to Davos, Switzerland, as part of the Presidential Delegation, to attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting January 23-26.

January 23, 2018

Obviously, first off, as Administrator of five months and a couple of weeks in, I do my best to get around to each of the regions to visit our teams. It's a chance to listen, let them kick the tires a little bit, ask about my vision for the agency, what I hear back in Washington, what I see as the challenges ahead. This particular mission, whether it be literally the mission here in Baghdad, or the mission that -- the operation we're going to be visiting tomorrow, of course takes on a very special significance given what it is -- what they are up against and given this moment in history.

So, it's also a chance for me to come and see for myself some things, but also hear from our team, and our partners doing extraordinarily important work, whether it be the humanitarian work that we do, stabilization work that we do, that which we have done here, and that which brave men and women are doing right now, down in Syria. Of course, we'll see many of them tomorrow. So, that's what brings me here. My first trip here in about a dozen years. That was the last time I was in Iraq.

January 22, 2018
Al-Raqqa Province, Syria

Well, first off, my impression is as we drove through Raqqa was really the incredible human spirit. And, for me, it's a reminder of what you've all been talking about: that if we can play a role in helping to restore essential services, people can go home, people can go to work, and Raqqa can become what, I think, can be a great city.

January 22, 2018

Today, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green traveled to Raqqa, Syria with General Joseph Votel, Commander of U.S. Central Command. Administrator Green is the highest-ranking civilian from the U.S. Government to visit Syria since the conflict began in 2011.

January 17, 2018

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green met today with the Honorable Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Chair of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development to discuss how donors can more efficiently and effectively identify and respond to the world's most-pressing development challenges, including the effects of large movements of people.

January 15, 2018

The United States welcomes the arrival of four mobile cranes at Yemen's Hudaydah port. Upon installation, these cranes, purchased by the World Food Programme with U.S. Government funding, will offload essential supplies for the people of Yemen. We expect that the additional capacity of these cranes will cut the typical unloading time for ships in Hudaydah from one week down to three to four days -- which means food, medicine, and other necessities will reach people in need more quickly.

January 8, 2018

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have agreed to increase assistance to Iraqis, particularly religious and ethnic minorities, to enable them to return to their homes in areas liberated from ISIS.

January 5, 2018

Yesterday, the Department of State announced the Secretary of State's re-designation of Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan as Countries of Particular Concern for infringing upon religious freedom. The Secretary also placed Pakistan on a Special Watch List for severe violations of religious freedom.

January 4, 2018

The following is attributable to Deputy Spokesperson Tom Babington:

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green met today with the Secretary of State for International Development of the United Kingdom, the Right Honourable Penny Mordaunt, M.P., to discuss increasing coordination in areas of shared interest, including humanitarian assistance and civil-military cooperation.

The two officials voiced mutual concern about the alarming level of humanitarian need around the world, and discussed urgent advocacy and action to support the world's most vulnerable people, including in East Africa and in Yemen, where the United States and United Kingdom are actively working to alleviate the ongoing humanitarian crisis.


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