USAID Administrator Green's Meeting with Mark Lowcock, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

Press Release Shim

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For Immediate Release

Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Office of Press Relations

The following is attributable to Acting Spokesperson Clayton M. McCleskey:

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green met today with the United Nations (UN) Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock, who serves as UN Emergency Relief Coordinator and head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Administrator Green thanked Mr. Lowcock for his leadership as the world responds to unprecedented need, and reiterated America's commitment to humanitarian assistance. Administrator Green voiced support for reforms to the UN system that will lead to more effective humanitarian responses.

Administrator Green expressed grave concern about the massive displacement and victimization of people in the Rakhine State of Burma, including both the Rohingya community and ethnic Rakhine. He reiterated that the United States will continue to work with the UN and other international organizations to urge Burmese authorities to cease violence and provide unfettered humanitarian access to ensure assistance reaches all communities affected by the crisis.

Administrator Green also briefed Mr. Lowcock on his recent trip to South Sudan, and shared his dismay regarding the desperate situation in that country caused by unchecked violence and poor governance. Additionally, the Administrator and Mr. Lowcock discussed hunger and public health crises in Nigeria, Syria, and Yemen, and they agreed to coordinate advocacy for increasing humanitarian access to improve the delivery of life-saving aid in these countries. The Administrator reiterated the commitment of the U.S. Government to pursuing political solutions that can reduce suffering and end these man-made disasters.