USAID Administrator Mark Green Condemning the Attack on U.S. Non-Governmental Organization In Kabul

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim

For Immediate Release

Thursday, May 9, 2019
Office of Press Relations
Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email:

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) strongly condemns yesterday's attack by the Taliban on Counterpart International, a U.S. non-profit organization and implementing partner of USAID in Kabul, Afghanistan. The attack killed Afghan security forces protecting Counterpart International's offices. We commend the Afghan security forces for their rapid response that prevented additional casualties.

Yesterday's senseless attack is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by international aid workers and local partners who are working in Afghanistan and around the world. The groups targeted yesterday implement programs to improve the lives of Afghans by providing humanitarian assistance; reducing poverty; and enhancing opportunities for education, economic empowerment, and increased participation in Afghan society. Members of the organizations dedicate their lives to improving Afghanistan's future.

USAID extends our condolences to the families of the deceased, and we hope for a fast recovery to those wounded. We call again for the Taliban to stop attacking civilians.