Statement by USAID Spokesperson Tom Babington on Monitoring Ebola in Uganda

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim

For Immediate Release

Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Office of Press Relations
Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email:

Three cases of Ebola have been confirmed in Uganda, resulting in one death. This marks the first cases of the deadly disease outside of neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since the ongoing outbreak began in August 2018. USAID is monitoring the situation and will continue to work alongside partners to support the response in Uganda. USAID will also continue to help neighboring countries prepare for a potential outbreak and provide other critical assistance to help stop the spread of disease.

In light of this alarming public health crisis, USAID Administrator Mark Green will travel to Eastern DRC next week, where he will visit with USAID partners, community and local leaders, and health care workers responding to Ebola. Working alongside the Government of the DRC, World Health Organization, and other international partners, USAID has been responding to Ebola in the DRC since the beginning of the outbreak, including the deployment of an elite Disaster Assistance Response Team to the region in September 2018 to coordinate the U.S. response to Ebola.