Acting USAID Administrator John Barsa on Independence Day

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim

For Immediate Release

Friday, July 3, 2020
Office of Press Relations
Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email:

Since the founding of our Nation, Americans have cherished our liberty and honored those who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend it. As we celebrate and honor Independence Day, we remember all those who have upheld freedom for our country against tyranny. At the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), we have the extraordinary privilege of working to advance democracy and freedom worldwide, on behalf of the American people.

We are honored at USAID to share America's legacy of freedom across the world, in the work we do. We stand with the people of Venezuela, against the violence and corruption of the illegitimate Maduro regime. We stand with the Rohingya, forced from their homes in Burma by the hundreds of thousands and persecuted simply because of their faith. We stand with the oppressed wherever they may be.

The work we do builds a world that is more prosperous and free, and demonstrates the highest ideals of America. Amid a global pandemic, or any other challenge, we must always remember the pride that we should enjoy as Americans not just on this Fourth of July, but on every day of the year.

In closing, I would like to share with you a 4th of July quote from President Ronald Reagan which has always resonated with me:

"Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people. We sometimes forget that great truth, and we never should. Happy Fourth of July."

May God bless all of you and may God bless America.