Fact Sheet: Additional U.S. Assistance for Yemen

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Office of Press Relations
Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email: press@usaid.gov

Today, the United States is announcing nearly $130 million in emergency food assistance to Yemen. This brings total U.S. humanitarian assistance to the people of Yemen to nearly $768 million since October 2016.

The United States remains gravely concerned about the worsening humanitarian situation in Yemen, where protracted conflict has led to the world's largest food security emergency and the world's worst cholera outbreak. More than 17 million people are at risk of severe hunger or starvation.

The United States remains committed to supporting the people of Yemen and calls on all parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities and re-energize political talks. We also call on all parties to protect civilians, including humanitarian aid workers, who work at great personal risk to deliver life-saving assistance.


  • The United States has been the world's single largest donor to the people of Yemen in this crisis, providing nearly $768 million in humanitarian assistance since October 2016. Of this total, nearly $500 million has been emergency food assistance, including support to the United Nations World Food Program, which is reaching nearly seven million people per month with food assistance.
  • The funding announced today includes nearly $84 million in U.S. in-kind food aid and $46 million in International Disaster Assistance, or emergency, funding. This will enable the United Nations World Food Program to distribute U.S. in-kind food aid, locally- and regionally-procured food, and food vouchers to Yemen's most vulnerable populations.
  • Humanitarian assistance provides food and clean drinking water to vulnerable families, treatment for malnourished children, hygiene kits to fight the spread of disease, life-saving medical supplies and training for healthcare workers, and emergency shelter for those displaced, among other kinds of aid.
  • U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) partners are supporting 70 cholera treatment centers and 110 oral rehydration centers to ensure that people get the medical attention they need. In addition, USAID is supporting trainings for healthcare workers to improve overall services and emergency medical care, as well as medical supplies, including oral rehydration salts, IVs, and beds for the cholera treatment centers working to fight the disease.
  • USAID has also provided nearly 7.4 million water purification tablets, to provide safe drinking water to nearly 838,000 people for one month.