Women and the Web Alliance

Speeches Shim

A public-private partnership among USAID, NetHope, Intel Corporation, World Pulse, World Vision, UN Women, and Women in Technology in Nigeria

The Alliance will create a ‘movement’ that addresses the Internet gender gap by bringing more than 600,000 young women online in Nigeria and Kenya in the next 3 years.

Alliance partners will combine efforts to transform the lives and livelihoods of girls and women in Africa through digital literacy training, relevant content, policy work, and online social networks. The Alliance will introduce girls and women to the transformative benefits of the Internet. All partners share a common interest in increasing access to and use of the Internet to realize the socio-economic benefits for all of bringing more girls and women online. This effort will expand opportunities for young women to generate greater income, receive a quality education, increase their sense of empowerment and equity, extend their support networks, and increase their political participation.


  • Digital Literacy: The integration of digital literacy training into gender and development programs enables women to access hardware, software, Internet connectivity, and ongoing support. With mobile platforms, individuals can follow different learning paths through a variety of channels, such as a mobile learning platform, and phone and tablet apps.
  • Knowledge and Voices: The power of digital media connects women and gives them a global voice. Addressing relevancy through women-tailored content and peer networks is critical. The Internet can empower women by providing them with an opportunity to connect with people outside of their communities, which, in turn, creates a strong incentive for women to continue using information and communications technologies (ICTs). This will provide long-term benefits in increased confidence and expression.
  • Economic opportunities: Internet use can increase the opportunities for women and girls in employment, online work, or improved businesses. ICT-enabled employment opportunities and skills training can generate social and economic opportunities for those employed, their families, and their communities.
  • The “movement”: System-level collaborations can enhance the inclusion of women and girls in the information society. Together, the Alliance will create a movement to address the challenges of the Internet gender gap by building, fostering, and supporting an ecosystem of partners.