Strengthening Health and HIV/AIDS Outcomes through the Private Sector in the Eastern Caribbean

Speeches Shim


Grantee(s): Abt Associates

Duration:  5 years (FY2010 - FY2014)

Total Projected Investment: $3 million

Additional Funding Source: (GHCS-USAID Account) 

Countries: OECS and Barbados

Objective: To strengthen the multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS response and improve health outcomes by facilitating and strengthening a role for the private sector via public-private partnerships (PPPs).

●      Regional Private Sector Assessment completed (12 countries of the PEPFAR Partnership Framework) including baseline information on the current status of the private sector and opportunities for partnerships.

●      Technical assistance provided for governments to promote partnerships with the private sector and civil society organizations.

●      New and strategic PPPs created and maintained.

●      Business capacity of NGOs and/or CSOs serving MARPs built via PPPs.