Sindh Basic Education Project

Speeches Shim

The Sindh Basic Education Program supports the Government of Sindh's goal to improve the quality and access to education for children in vulnerable communities in Sindh.  This program is designed to increase and sustain student enrollment at the primary, middle, and secondary school levels in seven districts of Sindh and five selected towns and areas of Karachi. The program aims to create school environments conducive to teaching and learning.
The main objective of the Sindh Basic Education Program is to increase and sustain student enrollment in primary, middle, and secondary schools in seven districts of northern Sindh and selected towns of Karachi.
 Main Activities
  • Reconstruct schools affected by 2010 floods and support Government of Sindh policy reforms to merge, consolidate, and upgrade schools through construction
  • Improve early grade reading in primary schools and support community mobilization, with a focus on increasing girls' enrollment and improving child nutrition
  • Provide technical assistance to the Education and Literacy Department of the Government of Sindh
  • Support policy reforms to improve reading standards, increase public sector spending on education, and engage Education Management Organizations in the administration of government schools