Reduce Risk to Human & Natural Assets Resulting from Climate Change

Speeches Shim


Grantees: The Secretariat of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States; the University of the West Indies’ Center for Resource Management and Environmental Studies; the Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology; the Government of Barbados.

Beneficiary Countries: Barbados, St. Kitts & Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines and Grenada.

Duration:  5 years (2011-2015).

Funding to date: $2.5 million

Total Projected investment:  $20 million.


Objective:  Assist Barbados and the OECS countries in their efforts to adapt to the impact of climate change.  Focus will be on adaptation measures in the areas of coastal/marine zone management and freshwater resources management.  Assistance will be provided to address:


●      The capacity needs of the region including working to strengthen technical organizations in meteorology, hydrology, coastal and marine science,

●      Strengthening training institutions serving the region to support increasing the cadre of persons both at the technical level as well as decision-making level to address issues related to climate change,

●      Interventions in the coastal/marine and freshwater sectors to demonstrate measures to counter the impact of climate change, and

●      Increased public awareness and education programs to raise the level of awareness on climate change and steps being taken to address it across the region.


Program Status:  (i) Activities under the agreement with the OECS Secretariat is underway with the development of demonstration initiatives that support adaptation to climate change.  (ii) Work continues under the agreement with CERMES/UWI with six scholarships granted and another fourteen scheduled for the coming school year. Work that will lead to increased use of space as the facility leading to improved climate change programs is also in progress.