Jobs Opportunities for Business Star-up (JOBS)

Speeches Shim


Grantee:  The American Council on Education/ Office of Higher Education for Development (ACE/HED)

Sub-Grantee: Indiana University in partnership with the Cave Hill School of business/University of the West Indies (CHSB/UWI)

Duration:  5 years (October 2010 to September 2014)

Funding to date: $1.0 million (DA – USAID/Barbados and USAID/E3)

Total Projected investment - $1.7 million

Beneficiary Countries:  Barbados initially and OECS countries


Objective:  The program supports the development of a partnership between the two universities to develop a cutting-edge entrepreneurial curriculum that will support the development the business climate in Barbados and eastern Caribbean countries.  The program will target graduates through short and long-term training.  It will also support linkages within the wider University of the West Indies (UWI) system at the undergraduate level.  Linkages will also be developed at the community college level and with other eastern Caribbean students through the UWI Open Campus.  The goal is for the CHSB to become the regional center of entrepreneurial excellence in the region by 2020.  The program will include:


●      Building an entrepreneurial curriculum at CHSB,

●      Equipping faculty with the appropriate skills for delivery of new programs.

●      Linking CHSB with the business community through the development of a business incubator.

●      Providing mentoring and internships to candidates.

●      Developing case studies and the research capability of CHSB.


Program Targets

●      Support to 2600 persons over the four-year development period in training, mentoring and internships,

●      Thirty fellowships provided, and

●      Ten case studies developed.

●      Short and long term entrepreneurial programs developed.