Eastern Caribbean Youth Empowerment Program

Speeches Shim


Grantee:  The International Youth Foundation

Local Sub-Grantees:  Antigua & Barbuda: Gilbert Agricultural Rural Development Center.  Grenada: T. A. Marryshow Community College, Grenada Industrial Development Cooperation and NEWLO.  St. Lucia: A consortium of the National Skills Development Center/RISE/CARE and the BELfund.

Duration:  5 years (September 2008 to September 2013)

Funding to date: $5,000,000 (DA and CBSI)

Total Projected Investment - $5.0 million

Beneficiary Countries:  Antigua & Barbuda, Grenada and St. Lucia. 

Objective:  Provides youth (17-24 years) in the region, particularly those-at-risk as a result of dropping out of school or not achieving the requisite school leaving certification, with training opportunities in such areas as tourism, music, entertainment, and the arts and culture to enable them to become employable and contribute positively in the region. 


Assistance is provided across several areas of the youth development process including:

●      Training in life skills, technical and vocational skills.

●      Numeracy and literacy.

●      The strengthening of partnerships between training institutions and the providers of labor including the private sector to ensure greater relevance in skills to match the demand of the market.


Program Targets:

●      Training 1,900 youth.  785 graduated to date.

●      At least 40% are placed in quality jobs, either in dependent jobs or in their own business start-ups.

●      At least 50% go on to further their education.

●      90% of employers report satisfaction with their entry-level employees.

●      Partner organizations strengthened with improved curriculum and greater linkage with external partners including the private sector.