Post-Graduation, USAID Career Center Ambassadors Continue Advocating for Moroccan Youth

Speeches Shim

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
USAID Career Center Youth Ambassador Zakaria Diya giving his speech at the USAID Career Center inauguration in Casablanca in December 2016
USAID Career Center

The sustainability of USAID Career Center depends on the engagement of multiple kinds of stakeholders, including the private sector. Two graduates who supported the mission of USAID Career Center as Youth Ambassadors are now continuing to demonstrate their unwavering commitment to the model as representatives of the private sector.

Zakaria Diya, former ambassador of the Vocational Career Center in Casablanca, and Marouane Bouzakhti, former Ambassador of the University Career Center in Tangier, have both successfully integrated into the professional environment. Today, they continue to contribute to the development of their career centers as partners from the private sector.

Zakaria Diya, now recruitment manager at Business Support Services (B2S) a call center in Casablanca, did not hesitate to call on the services of the Career Center to meet his recruitment needs. On November 2nd, a recruitment day was organized in collaboration with the Career Center. 16 young people participated and were interviewed by Zakaria and one of his colleagues. This recruitment day resulted in the recruitment of six young beneficiaries of the Vocational Career Center.

"My experience at the Career Center helped me a lot and allowed me to enter the job market smoothly. It's time for me to help other young people in return!" says Zakaria.

Meanwhile, Marouane Bouzakhti, currently Client Quality Manager in Tangier at SNOP, a major player in the automotive industry, has opened the doors of his company to young people so that they can discover this sector of activity. On November 29th, 17 young students had the opportunity to visit SNOP premises in Tangier thanks to the collaboration of USAID Career Center with this private company.

“Somehow, I will always be a Career Center Ambassador. And I will continue to spread the word about the importance of soft skills and how helpful and necessary the Career Centers are!” says Marouane.

The Youth Ambassadors program, a peer to peer initiative designed to promote USAID Career Center's offerings in host-institutions, has created a real sense of ownership among these youth, who continue to support the actions of their career centers so that more youth can benefit from the same opportunities.