USAID supports Locally-Led Advocacy Efforts to Moroccan Legislation

Speeches Shim

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The "Together for the Recognition of Institutionalization" Coalition meets with Minister Delegate to the Government to present findings and discuss suggestions to drafted legislation on volunteerism in Morocco

Mr. Mustapha El Khalfi, Minister Delegate to the Government in charge of Relations with Parliament and Civil Society, invited the coalition, "Together for the Recognition of Institutionalization", headed by the USAID-supported Moroccan Volunteering Coalition (Coalition marocaine du volontairat) to attend a meeting on new legislature surrounding volunteering. The meeting, which was attended by representatives of several Moroccan government departments as well as actors from civil society, was an opportunity for the Coalition to present the outputs of six regional seminars recently  conducted (with over 500 participants) on the topic of volunteerism.

The Coalition also provided 15 suggestions to the Ministry to consider incorporating into the draft legislation, such as highlighting the rights and obligations of volunteers to offer facilities, to encouraging national organizations who rely on volunteers to implement their projects to consider developing volunteering contracts. In addition, the President of the Moroccan Association for Solidarity and Development (AMSED) suggested that the Government conduct a study on the potential impact of the draft law in order to convince decision makers of the need for this law as well as to strengthen the advocacy process. The Minister expressed his strong support for the Coalition's efforts and his interest in having the Ministry work on executing their suggestions. The Coalition's findings and suggestions will be used to inform the law currently being drafted on volunteering. 

This activity was made possible through the USAID Civil Society Strengthening Program, which supports the Coalition's efforts to advocate for the above-mentioned draft law on volunteerism in Morocco. The activity included representatives from other ministries as well as leaders of USAID's partner Intermediary Service Organizations, who contributed their suggestions and remarks in the discussion on the drafted law.