USAID Career Center Youth Ambassadors Weekend: Reflection and Perspectives

Speeches Shim

Sunday, December 17, 2017
Social media influencer Yassine Jarram shares his experience during the USAID Career Center Youth Ambassador Conference
USAID Career Center

In order to more effectively mobilize Youth Ambassadors and strengthen their role in host institutions, on December 16th-17th 2017, the USAID Career Center program brought together around one hundred Youth Ambassadors for a weekend of team-building, sharing of experiences, and collaborative planning in Mohammedia.

Coming from Marrakech, Tangier and Casablanca, Career Center Ambassadors increased their knowledge of Career Center services and improved their soft skills in a fun way, developing skills in team spirit, creativity and verbal communication.

The special guest of the weekend, artist and web influencer Yassine Jarram, shared his experiences with the Ambassadors. His inspiring speech resonated strongly with the youth, who learned about both his path to success and the obstacles he encountered throughout his career. Former Ambassadors, some of whom have now entered the professional world, also gave testimonials to inspire and motivate new recruits.

“I thank USAID Career Center for organizing this week-end. I learned a lot, the program was very enriching and I am happy I was part of it”, said Ihab Talaa, Ambassador of the vocational Career Center based in Tangier.

On the second day, the Ambassadors worked with the staff from their respective Career Centers to collaboratively develop an action plan to support their Career Center. Through the participation in the Ambassadors’ Weekend, youth strengthened their links with Career Centers staff and with Ambassadors from different regions, creating a network of Youth Ambassadors.

“This weekend allowed us to get to know each other better and feel more at ease, which will definitely help us be more efficient during future events organized by the Career Center,” says Smahane Maizi, Youth Ambassador of University Cadi Ayyad Career Center.

One of the weekend's major accomplishments was the decision for some of the Youth Ambassador groups to establish a Career Center Ambassadors association in their regions, which would be similar to other local youth associations and provide dynamic activities and coordination between the Career Center locations.

Learn more about USAID Career Center here