First Engineering Job Fair a Great Success in Casablanca

Speeches Shim

Thursday, December 14, 2017
Sara El Azhari, HR Development Manager at Algo Consulting, interviews a young graduate at the Engineers Job Fair in Casablanca
USAID Career Center

The USAID Career Center located at the Hassan II University in Casablanca continues to roll out its youth employability strategy by bringing youth closer to employers in the private sector. On December 14th, Career Center organized the first edition of the University Engineers' Job Fair, which was held at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Casablanca. The event was officially launched by Abdellatif Ighzou, Vice President of Hassan II University and Nadia Amrani, Development Specialist at USAID.

The Engineers Job Fair provided the opportunity for more than 450 youth to interact with potential employers. More than twenty companies participated in the event, including Bosch, CTM, Capgemini, Deloitte Nearshore, and Cosumar, and they presented a wide variety of opportunities for youth searching for their first employment experiences. Meet-and-greets, profiling, pre-job and internship interviews created an important link between young job seekers and the world of work.

In the two weeks leading up to the event, 37 young people benefited from job interview preparation workshops organized by Career Center. Awatef Hacham, a computer engineering student at the National School of Electricity and Mechanics of Casablanca (ENSEM), explains: "I thank the Career Center for this initiative that is beneficial to us as young students. I had several interviews with big companies. They went well thanks to the various preparation workshops that I benefited from at the Career Center."

For the companies who participated in the event, the benefit is equally significant. Sara El Azhari, Human Resources Manager at Algo Consulting, explains, "This job fair is an excellent initiative that introduced me to many interesting profiles of youth who perfectly meet our needs." Zakarya Ouahmane, a senior recruitment consultant at Capgemini, says "this event meets our needs in terms of trainees, and we met several candidates who are qualified in both computer development and system development. We will be happy to participate again in the next Job Fair. "

Learn more about USAID Career Center here