
Speeches Shim

22-01-2020 05:00

The United States Government has made energy one of the critical priorities of our vision for a free, open, and secure Indo-Pacific region, which spans from the west coast of the U.S. to the east coast of Africa, or from California to Kilimanjaro.

USAID is advancing this vision through the Asia Enhancing Growth and Development through Energy, or the Asia EDGE initiative, by strengthening energy security, increasing energy diversification and trade, and expanding energy access across the Indo-Pacific region.

21-01-2020 09:15

On behalf of USAID, the EU, UNICEF, and Save the Children Hong Kong I would like to recognize the importance of these guidelines in strengthening Cambodia’s child protection system to better support vulnerable children and families.

16-01-2020 05:30

Like all of you, I am here today because anti-microbial resistance is one of the most significant global health threats of the 21st century. The discovery of antibiotics in the last century gave us an edge in the battle against infectious diseases.

But their widespread availability and indiscriminate use in humans, animals, and in the environment could take us back to a time when people routinely died from common bacterial infections, threatening global health, food security, and human development.

12-12-2019 14:00


Në vitin 2014, unë mund të llogaritsja në gishtat e një dore kompanitë që ishin të gatshme për të eksportuar jashtë rajonit. Tani, pesë vjet më vonë, mbi 120 kompani kosovare janë të gatshme për këtë dhe po eksportojnë me sukses.

Kur e nisëm programin tonë Fuqizimi i Sektorit Privat (ndryshe njihet edhe si EMPOWER), kompania Elnor po dërgonte vetëm nga dy kamionë të ngarkuar me mobilje druri në vit për në Europë. Sot, e njejta kompani dërgon nga katër kamionë në muaj.
Do të thotë 48 kamionë në vit!

12-12-2019 14:00

Good afternoon,

In 2014, I could count on one hand the companies ready to export outside of the region. Now, five years later, over 120 Kosovo companies are ready and successfully exporting.

When we started EMPOWER, Elnor was sending only two trucks of wooden furniture per year to Europe. Today, Elnor sends four trucks per month.
That is 48 trucks per year!

12-12-2019 14:00

Dobar dan.

U 2014. godini, mogla sam na preste jedne ruke da prebrojim kompanije koje su bile spremne da izvoze van regiona. Sada, pet godina kasnije, preko 120 kosovskih preduzeća je spremno za to i već uspešno izvozi.

Kada smo započeli projekat Osnaživanje privatnog sektora, kompanija Elnor je u Evropu slala samo po dva kamiona drvenog nameštaja godišnje. Danas ta ista kompanija šalje po četiri kamiona mesečno.
To je 48 kamiona godišnje!

25-11-2019 08:45

Good morning.  It is an honor to join you today to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and help launch the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.  Gender-based violence, or GBV, in all of its forms hinders Zambia’s development and prosperity. Violence against girls and women is one of the most widespread, persistent human-rights violations in our world today.  Whether it is intimate-partner violence, sexual violence, harassment, trafficking, or child marriage, GBV prevents victims  from reaching their full potential.

20-11-2019 14:00

USAID Cambodia supports health, education, and child protection programs to enable Cambodian children to access quality education, to grow up in safe, nurturing family environments free from violence, and to be healthy. Our work is guided by the U.S. government strategy of Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity, which emphasizes the importance of strengthening the capacities of children, adolescents, and the families that care for them. This is one of the best investments a country can make to eliminate extreme poverty, boost economic growth, and promote a peaceful society.

12-11-2019 09:00

Good morning. On behalf of the United States government, I am honored to be here with you today to celebrate the commissioning of the new water scheme to bring safe drinking water closer to Mishoro Village, and to acknowledge its status as an open defecation-free community.

We all understand that “water is life,” and therefore we strive for a world where all people have access to safe water and sanitation.  Clean, affordable, accessible drinking water reduces a community’s vulnerability to waterborne diseases and supports the growth of our most precious resource - our children. 

This is the reason the United States has committed to partnering with the Zambian government to improve the water supply and sanitation in Zambia.  

Over the past 7 years, the U.S. government, through the Mawa project, contributed over $16 million dollars to provide Zambians in Eastern Province with clean, safe drinking water, sanitary latrine facilities, and improved food and economic security.

12-11-2019 09:00

USAID/Zambia Director Sheryl Stumbras
(Remarks as prepared)


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