Creating Employment Opportunities for Kosovo’s Youth

Speeches Shim

Monday, June 18, 2018
Youths acquiring high-demand skills and expertise in ICT
Xheraldina Cernobregu, USAID

USAID and Cacttus Education got together recently to mark a milestone in their three-year partnership to increase youth employment in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector.  At an event on June 22nd in downtown Pristina, USAID Mission Director James Hope celebrated the delivery of $80,000 worth of USAID-funded equipment – computers, work stations, and projectors – that will help this program invest in Kosovo’s youth and its future.

The activity, kicked off in September 2017 and has three principal objectives: to increase employment and self-employment opportunities among youth in Kosovo in the ICT sector; to build high-demand skills and expertise among youth; and – through a partnership with the Innovation Centre Kosovo – to provide incubation support for teams of entrepreneurs who are establishing new start-up ventures, with the goal of creating at least 30 tech start-ups.  In addition, Cacttus will use its network to identify internships, job placements, and direct employment opportunities for participants.  This activity is one of several initiatives USAID/Kosovo has underway to create opportunities for young people in one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing sectors in Kosovo.