Saving 5 Million Children

Speeches Shim

Infographic: Saving 5 Million Children

We have a historic opportunity to dramatically decrease child mortality. Under President Obam's Global Health Initiative, USAID will work with other U.S. government agencies and global leaders in child health to save 5 million children between 2010 and 2015 by focusing our efforts on the major killers in approximately two dozen high-burden countries. Together, we will save lives and create a generation of healthy kids by ensuring a healthy start to life and ending preventable child deaths.

A Global Problem

  • Over 2 million die in developing countries because of lack of access to vaccines
  • Pneumonia is the single biggest killer of children under 5
  • 1.3 million children die every year from diarrheal diseases.
  • There are 1.4 million pregnant women living with HIV
  • 3.7 million newborns die in the first 4 weeks of birth each year.
  • Children born less than three years apart are less likely to survive & more likely to be malnourished during infancy & childhood through age five.
  • Malnutrition is associated with 35% of child deaths.
  • Over 700,000 malaria deaths in 2009, mainly African children.

Our targeted interventions can save 5 million children by 2015


  • A simple shot can save a child for life
  • We are: Working with partners to make vaccines available and affordable for all.


  • We can create an AIDS free generation

Pneumonia & Diarrhea:

  • Newborn death isn't inevitable, its preventable.
  • We are vaccinating kids to prevent sickness and death; Improving sanitation and hygiene to prevent children from getting sick and treating kids who are sick.

Newborn Mortality

  • We can give children a healthy start to live.
  • We are: focusing on simple, effective delivery methods; Emphasizing breast feeding and keeping newborns warm and helping babies suffering from asphyxia during birth.


  • Nutrition creates the foundation for lifelong health.
  • We are: Boosting nutrition from pregnancy to two-years old; Targeting micronutrient supplementation like Vitamin A and supporting exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months.


  • A major killer of children is both preventable and curable
  • We are: providing more long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and increasing indoor residual spraying to under served populations.

Family Planning;

  • Family planning helps moms and babies grow healthy.
  • We are: Educating women on the benefits of spacing pregnancy; Ensuring contraception is accessible and Targeting resources where they're most needed.