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United States Agency for International Development web site.
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This Joint Statement (" JS") reflects the intention between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (MOH-RI) and the United States Agency for International Development in Indonesia (USAID Indonesia) for TB Elimination in Indonesia. The Joint Statement is issued in accordance with the terms of the Assistance Agreement (AA) No. 497-AA-030 signed by the Director General of Debt Management of the Ministry of Finance and the Acting Mission Director of USAID Indonesia on 29 September 2014 and Individual Arrangement for Health Portfolio signed by the Secretary General of MOH-RI and Director of Health Office of USAID Indonesia on 30 September 2016, as amended.
The purpose of the JS is to establish an alignment between MOH-RI and USAID Indonesia to jointly reaffirm the commitment in combating TB in Indonesia, and to align expectations related to a joint approach to achieve the objectives and targets to which Indonesia is committed.
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