UNSG Response Letter to Acting Administrator Barsa

Speeches Shim

1 June 2020

Dear Acting Administrator Barsa,

I thank you for your letter dated 18 May 2020, addressing the response of the United Nations system to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its related consequences.

At the outset, I extend my gratitude to the United States of America for its continued generosity, partnership and commitment to the United Nations and the goals and ideals of its Charter. USAID, in particular, is an essential partner in lifting millions of people across the world out of poverty and dire circumstances, while advancing human dignity. Working together we can make a critical difference in saving lives and livelihoods, reducing suffering, and overcoming the extraordinary challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The tremendous support of the United States, a global leader in humanitarian assistance, is paramount at a time when the most vulnerable people in the world, who had already been experiencing incredibly challenging circumstances, are now facing the added threat of this pandemic.

Monday, June 1, 2020 - 3:45pm