Speeches Shim
East Africa’s economic growth is among the fastest in the world and its countries are becoming increasingly integrated and interdependent. USAID supports regional institutions, including the East African Community (EAC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and their member states to address issues that require collaboration between countries.
The five-year (2016-2021) $15 million Feed the Future’s Nepal Seed and Fertilizer project facilitates sustainable increases in national crop productivity, economic welfare and household-level food security, working in 20 Feed the Future “Zone of Influence” districts and in five earthquake-affected districts.
Clashes among armed groups continue to endanger civilians and limit humanitarian access in South Sudan. On November 28, intercommunal violence in Jonglei State resulted in the death of at least 45 civilians, including six people working for two non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and injured nearly 20 other civilians, the UN reports.
Water is the single most important natural resource underpinning Nepal’s economy and livelihoods. Inclusive, sustainable management of water resources in Nepal depends on addressing climate change and protecting healthy, biodiverse ecosystems.
USAID’s five-year (2015-2020), $9.9 million Nepal Hydropower Development Project (NHDP), supports the Government of Nepal's efforts to expand the country’s access to modern, high-quality hydropower services and realize its potential as an energy exporter in South Asia.
To contribute to address and minimize all the associated biodiversity threats and climate vulnerabilities, Hariyo Ban Phase II will build on accomplishments and learnings of Hariyo Ban Phase I.
In Liberia, gender biases result in severe limitations to women’s inclusion at all levels. USAID/Liberia regards gender as a crosscutting theme and works to integrate gender issues across its entire portfolio. We work with government to address gender constraints and promote equitable and inclusive development by promoting access to economic opportunities for women; increasing women’s political participation; and increasing women’s access to critical social services, including education and health.
USAID’s Rural and Economic Development Office (RED) is laying the groundwork for a sustainable peace by strengthening rural producer associations and value chains; increasing rural financial inclusion; promoting equitable and secure land tenure; and strengthening community organizations to help them become more effective advocates for their development priorities and participants in peace implementation.
Colombia is a complex country with many contrasts. While ranked by the World Bank as an upper-middle income country, half of all rural households still live in poverty. This is largely due to an armed conflict, lasting more than fifty years, that has devastated rural communities across the country. Despite the optimism surrounding the peace accord, the country will only truly be able to turn the page when various factors are met, including when rural Colombian communities are fully on the path towards inclusive economic growth.
Approximately 3.3 million people in Somalia are experiencing Crisis—IPC 3—or worse levels of acute food insecurity, the USAID-funded Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) reported in November.4 FEWS NET and the USAID-supported Somalia Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) caution that parts of Somalia will remain at risk of Famine—IPC 5—through at least May 2018. Households across Somalia have reduced access to food and income following three consecutive poor rainy seasons, which resulted in below-average agricultural production and large-scale livestock losses, in addition to ongoing conflict.
USAID collaborates with partners in India to stop disease outbreaks by closing gaps in early detection of threats. Through a strategic response focused on the connections between animal and human health, USAID is strengthening India’s capacity to prevent and reduce outbreaks, detect threats early to save lives and respond with a rapid, coordinated effort.
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