Speeches Shim
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Last December, the Bureau for Global Health (GH) environmental program participated in the “Environmental Compliance and Environmentally Sound Design & Management in Project Implementation” hosted by USAID/Bangladesh in Dhaka. The Cloudburst-Tellevate team, under the Global Environmental Management Support contract (GEMS II), prepared and delivered presentations at the five-day training on behalf of the GH Bureau Environmental Officer (BEO).
The primary objective of the training was to refresh attendees’ understanding of the requirements applicable to USAID projects, per Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 216 (22 CFR 216). The training also provided the opportunity for Bangladesh Mission staff and Implementing Partners to discuss the status of and potential concerns related to field support activities managed by GH.
Maram Salaheldin (Tellevate) presented on health topics impacting Bangladesh Mission activities, such as healthcare waste management and combating the spread of the Zika virus. In addition, Ms. Salaheldin conveyed information related to environmental management tools and resources developed by GH and available to the Mission, including the GH Environmental Screening Tool. The Screening Tool communicates the potential environmental impacts of typical GH projects and activities and recommends specific mitigation measures and monitoring indicators to manage those impacts, as required by 22 CFR 216.
For more information on GH resources related to healthcare waste management, vector control, and other environmental management topics, please visit the GH Environmental Management Portal. Implementing Partners and other personnel outside USAID may request access by emailing ghcompliancesupport@usaid.gov.
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