Implementing Partners, Non-USAID Staff Access to GH Environmental Management Portal

Speeches Shim

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

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The Bureau for Global Health (GH) Environmental Management Portal provides technical information to GH environmental stakeholders to assist with the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) process.  The Portal covers:

  • Descriptions of GH projects and categories of illustrative activities
  • Guidance on the evaluation of environmental impacts and guidelines for determining significance of impacts
  • Information for making environmental threshold determinations for projects and activities
  • The GH Environmental Screening Tool, containing GH-recommended mitigation measures and monitoring activities
  • Environmental impact screening guidance and examples of typical impacts by activity

Access to the GH Environmental Management Portal is available to anyone interested in learning more about the GH Environment Management process. All USAID staff can access to the GH Environmental Portal by simply following the link below and clicking the “Sign in through USAID” button that appears:

Implementing Partners and other non-USAID staff may request access to the Portal by sending an email to The GH Support team will process your request in a timely manner, and you should receive a confirmation email once you have been granted access. It is important to note that you will need to have a Gmail-compatible account in order to access the site. This can be an “” email address, or you can register your own email address as a Google account at:

If you have any questions, please contact GH Support at