Data Publication Process

Speeches Shim

USAID takes seriously its responsibility to increase public access to valuable government information while observing precautions related to privacy, confidentiality, security, or other restrictions to release permitted by law. The graphic below depicts the process USAID uses to release its data assets in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget Open Data Policy (M-13-13):


USAID operating unit or implementing partner identifies a data asset for potential release.


  • USAID makes a determination as to whether release is permitted by law, subject to all privacy, confidentiality, security, and other valid requirements, including: 
  • Security: USAID reviews the data asset for security restrictions related to the release of classified information.
  • Privacy: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and other legal authorities, USAID reviews the data asset for the presence of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
  • Exceptions: USAID reviews the data asset for information excepted from release by OMB Bulletin 12-01 and the Freedom of Information Act, where applicable (for example, information that would jeopardize the safety of U.S. personnel).
  • Operating unit funding the data 1) completes redactions; 2) seeks clearance of related operating units; and 3) proposes a data access level.
  • Office of the General Counsel confirms redactions and data access levels are consistent with legal requirements.


USAID publishes the data asset to its public data listing at

Thursday, May 22, 2014 - 2:45pm