DRC Fact Sheet #1 - 02/13/13

Speeches Shim

  • As of January 23, approximately 2.7 million people remained internally displaced in the DRC, a nearly 50 percent increase from the estimated 1.8 million people displaced at the beginning of 2012, according to OCHA.
  • Recent fighting by various armed groups, including the March 23 Movement (M23), since mid-November in North Kivu and other provinces in eastern DRC has led to increased reports of protection violations, including gender-based violence and forced recruitment of children into armed groups.
  • To date in FY 2013, USAID/OFDA has committed more than $11 million in humanitarian assistance to support health, protection, and WASH interventions; relief item distributions; and humanitarian coordination and information management in the DRC. In addition, USAID/FFP has committed $53.5 million for emergency food assistance.