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United States Agency for International Development web site.
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(1 MB) USAID's new five year CDCS builds on the Government of Ethiopia's Growth and Transformation Plan
The USAID/Ethiopia Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) builds on the progress in Ethiopia since the last country strategy. Seven years ago, the Mission began implementing its last development strategy: “Breaking the Cycle of Famine” which, in the aftermath of the major drought emergency in 2003 that took the lives of tens of thousands of Ethiopian children, was directed at tackling the underlying causes of vulnerability. Much has changed since 2004, and the efforts made to reduce vulnerability have yielded substantial results. The threat of famine has not been completely removed, but enough progress has been made so that USAID can now focus more on helping Ethiopia transform its economy and society toward middle income status, and by coordinating its efforts more closely with the Government of Ethiopia (GOE), other donors and civil society. USAID's new five year CDCS builds on the Government of Ethiopia's Growth and Transformation Plan with a concerted investment strategy that not only aims to help Ethiopia achieve its development goals, but furthers U.S. trade and investment aims with the most strategically important partner in the region.
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