Speeches Shim

Through its urban sanitation program, Sanitation Service Delivery (SSD), USAID trains and encourages masons, plumbers, building technicians,and other private sectors actors to provide quality sanitation services and products. Implemented by the Population Services International (PSI), the project has trained entrepreneurs since 2014. Under a brand created by SSD, those entrepreneurs offer low-cost and effective sanitation products including latrines, septic tanks, double pit latrines to low income households in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire.
The United States announced $1.2 million to a local company, Business Management Invest (BMI)-Côte d'Ivoire, to launch a new tax collection system that is more efficient and transparent. BMI is partnering with researchers from Stanford University and Côte d’Ivoire’s Ministry of Economy and Finance to expand and rigorously test a digital tax system in 33 new municipalities.

When Judith Ayé was a little girl, she knew she wanted to make a difference in her community, a difference that would empower and help people live better lives. She also knew she enjoyed rolling -up her sleeves and fixing things. Now at age 38, she is a trained plumber leading a nine-man team. However, she’s not just a typical plummer, wearing a safety helmet and a fluorescent vest, this ambitious lady runs her own business connected to water and sanitation projects in urban areas of ??? It’s hard, sweaty work, that’s a labor of love.

Through the Global Health Security Agenda, USAID is working closely with its partners to predict, detect, and respond to emerging disease threats. These partnerships are broadening USAID’s ongoing health systems strengthening programs for a sustainable national capacity to respond to emerging health threats. As part of a whole-of-government response, USAID led workshops connecting national health authorities with experts to develop a national Ebola preparedness and response strategy.

At the end of 2011, Côte d’Ivoire was emerging from a decade of economic and political instability marked by two civil wars. The country faced significant health challenges, particularly in the area of maternal and child health, and was struggling to prevent and treat HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria. Prolonged conflict led to poor governance and under-funding, both of which weakened the public health sector.
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