FACT SHEET: Monitoring and Evaluation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Speeches Shim

USAID is committed to key principles and practices that foster a results-oriented culture within the Agency and makes every effort to ensure strong oversight of its development assistance.

Rigorous monitoring, evaluation, and learning is an integral component of successful, evidence-based development programming. It is also a critical part of USAID’s stewardship of public funds used to promote sustainable development around the world. 


Launched in September 2019, USAID’s Monitoring and Evaluation Support project (MEASURE II) is an extension of its first MEASURE project. The initial project evaluated the impact of USAID’s development programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and helped build the capacity of local stakeholders to conduct evaluations and social science research to inform policymaking and programming of local organizations and institutions. 

MEASURE II builds upon the former project’s success by further integrating evaluation techniques and principles of collaborating, learning, and adapting into the Agency’s ethos, while providing USAID and its implementing partners with on-demand evaluation, assessment, and research support.


The role that USAID and other international donors play in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s development will diminish as the country becomes self-reliant in developing the institutions and legal framework necessary for integration into the EU. But the need for evaluation capacity will remain. 

USAID works closely with local implementing partners and research organizations to improve their ability to evaluate the effects of public policies and proposed legislation and generate organic solutions to issues identified that are based on objective analyses. By harnessing the expertise of its own independent researchers and institutions to devise evidence-based public policies, the country will further advance on its journey to self-reliance. 

USAID's MEASURE II project will achieve this by: 

• Providing technical assistance to USAID mission and  implementing partner staff on complying with and preparing for the Mission’s Performance Management Plan and for project monitoring, evaluation, and learning plans;

• Designing and conducting evaluations, surveys, sector assessments, and special studies; and

• Establishing a formal framework for collaborating, learning, and adapting   that is integrated into the existing program cycle and informs all USAID development assistance activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.