Youth Entrepreneurship Program for the Eastern Caribbean (YEPEC)

Speeches Shim


Grantee:  Prince’s Youth Business International.

Duration:  3 years (April 2012 to March 2015).

Funding to date: $693,497 (DA)

Total Investment - $2 million.

Beneficiary Countries:  Barbados, St. Vincent & Grenadines, St. Lucia, Dominica and Antigua & Barbuda.

Objective:  Expand access to entrepreneurial support activities for young people throughout the Caribbean and to create a regional center of excellence to develop existing Youth Business Trusts and establish new Trusts in the Caribbean. 

●      Optimize the number of young people supported to become entrepreneurs,

●      Build awareness of opportunity through youth entrepreneurship,

●      Build the capacity of Youth Business Trusts (YBT) to support young entrepreneurs,

●      Improve the quality of support available to young entrepreneurs,

●      Expand the number of YBTs in the region,

●      Establish the Caribbean Center of Excellence for youth entrepreneurship development, and

●      Research, collate and share lessons learned to establish best practice across the region.


Youth Beneficiaries Target:  Business start-up support for 3,000 youth


Program Status: Agreement signed April 2012.