ADS Chapter 450

Speeches Shim

Termination of Time-Limited Appointments - Foreign Service (FS)

Functional Series 400 – Human Resources

Partial Revision Date: 04/27/2020
Responsible Office: HCTM/FSC
File Name: 450_042720


In accordance with section 612 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 as amended (hereafter referred to as the Act), any member of the Foreign Service (FS) serving under a limited appointment who is assigned to a salary class in the Foreign Service schedule, or who is paid in accordance with section 407 of the Act, or who is a U.S. citizen paid under a compensation plan under section 408 of the Act may be terminated at any time. This ADS chapter sets forth the policies and procedures for terminating Foreign Service limited and temporary appointments in USAID for reasons other than misconduct. (See Foreign Service Act sections 407, 408, and 612)